if we all

woRked harder, doctors wouldn't
have to

who aRe we?

red rehabilitation provides pathology-led exercise for those of you who need support self-managing chronic pain at work, at home and in life. We devise bespoke Clinical Pilates pain management techniques for pain relief and prevention.
Whether a client needs help with back pain management due to a change in lifestyle such as work from home, or is experiencing difficulties managing chronic and progressive conditions such as arthritis or Parkinson’s, Scarlett works with the individual, their environment and their particular needs.

Founder Scarlett Roberts is an ex-ballet dancer, exercise physiologist and clinical pilates instructor.
She has a specific interest in using exercise prescriptively to manage chronic pain and to minimise the symptoms of long term pathology.
Scarlett has worked with a number of co-morbidities, the most common being cancer. Of the cancer patients she has pre-habbed, all remained symptom - free throughout treatment.
Scarlett works with the following:
Injury rehabHerniated / prolapsed discsPost - surgery rehabPre - op rehabDiabetic neuropathyParkinsonsMSArthritis Spinal pathology Benign joint hypermobility syndrome Cancer prehab
She has recently started a cohort study, using movement prescriptively to improve mental health outcomes of the adolescent population in Wandsworth, funded by Enable.
In her spare time she is the primary caregiver for a sausage dog and enjoys the pursuit of being upside down, currently learning the art of  flying trapeze.

Red rehabilitation

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